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Joss Winn

Hi Martin, I haven't read further than your abstract and references yet, but wanted to flag up a couple of pieces which might interest you.

Mike Neary wrote a book chapter on the 'Pedagogy of Excess' (http://studentasproducer.lincoln.ac.uk/files/2010/10/Pedagogy-of-Excess-preprint.pdf)

Kay & Mott's book has a very good section (pp 1-29) on 'abundance' in contrast to 'property': http://stuck.josswinn.org/in-modern-society-where-the-conditions-of-lif and offers a critical and historical understanding of these ideas within liberal capitalism.

After reading the first part of their book, an article by Barbrook might help bridge the connection between your work and that of Kay and Mott: http://stuck.josswinn.org/cyber-communism

I do think there's much that could be made of following these threads in developing a critical understanding of 'abundance' in education that remains constructive and positive.

Dorothea Salo

Thanks for posting this to the OU repo! Reading with interest.


Thanks Joss - hadn't read these. Mine is a less critical (or thoughtful) analysis, but as you suggest there might be an interesting area around abundance to explore from many different perspectives. I notice Erik Duval is running a week on this in George Siemens upcoming MOOC, so maybe we should dip in there to see the discussion

Jonathan Vernon

I've written extensively on your abundsnce thesis here http://learn.open.ac.uk/mod/oublog/view.php?user=635984 and will in due course catch up on some thoughts on the digital debate of the 20th.


Hi Jonathan
Sorry I couldn't respond over on your blog & thoughtful post (I'm on my iPad & a comment box didn't come up). I've never really thought of Boyer's scholarly functions as what we do in social media before - that's a really interesting take on it. I'm going to take that away and mull it over some, so thanks for sharing.

Joss winn

Thanks for the heads up on the MOOC. I'll try to attend Erik's session.

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