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The word cloud is interesting, although less functional than a tag cloud, but that's the downside of books versus blogs, isn't it?

Carl Morris

I don't like word clouds! Some day our children will laugh at them. They are the mullets of informational processing.


Alan - when the book is released as a website I'm hoping I'll be able to do a tag cloud type navigation. Of the two representations above it is the human index that would work better as a tag cloud I guess. Or just google

Carl - yes they're a bit naff now, like stone cladding. I think they're more interesting to the writer than a prospective audience. The writer knows their work, but a word cloud may reveal commonly used words (I'm guessing I over-use significant) and also something about the text as a whole. But you're right, it's a pretty simplistic representation and we need more complex ones than simply word frequency.

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