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Tony Hirst

Hmmm... one of the things I've been arguing might be a role for the library is in doing exactly this - reputation enhancement of an institution's academics and outputs...


i think university press offices might start doing more than stuff like this (didn't read the original article so don't know if that was mentioned).

a business school close to where i work *coughs* already employs a PR firm to boost their research and researchers. I wouldn't be suprised if this included social media...


I think we could forget about listening to you online if you were seen to have deceived us in that way. I might be wrong but I think the fact that you have offline credentials gives a lot of weight to your online influence.

Alan levine

Fake is the new transparent.

Reputations built by management is like shoddy construction, doesn't take long for the veneer to reveal.

But that cheese loaf looks good.


I dunno - I read your stuff because you are interesting, informative and amusing. I'd be more likely to stop reading if you stopped being readable than if you turned out to be a twitterbot developed by Tony Hirst or to share an alma mater with Gillian McKeith.


mmm indeed. the whole online identity is so up for abuse - wonder what will emerge in SoMe circles in response to the need for authenticity...

Steve Wheeler

You're right about reputations Martin. Social Media can amplify a good reputation but also perhaps, a bad one too?

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