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Anne Gambles

What would Shelfari need to achieve 5/5 for shinyness and educational scores?


Thats a good question Anne. From the shiny perspective I'd like the tagging to be more powerful, for it to make recommendations, and to maybe take me further. This last one relates to education too - I'd want it to help me learn about the book. For a 5 it needs to have a direct educational focus.
What do you think of shelfari?

Scott Leslie

Martin, debategraph was new to me - great find! Though I agree with the comments about the 'high threshold to entry.' I also appreciated that this got me to go back and look at cohere again and realize that, while it takes a different approach, you could do similar things with it, not in this 'argument' model so much ,but by different people connecting their 'ideas' into a more collaborative whole. (Did you review Cohere for the Shinies? I'd warrant it actually had a higher shiny factor than debategraph)

Doug Clow

I worry I'm too old-school: Shelfari looks like a Web2.0-trendy-ised version of LibraryThing to me.

Melanie Baker

Ooh, a shiny award! :)

There's always room for improvement in our shiny-ness and other values, so feel free to give me a holler with input any time.

How we can make ourselves useful in the education space is one area that's a fairly blank slate for us still.

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