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Jared Stein

I think your reservations are apt and well-put, and I share them. John Krutsch clarified one aspect I grasped at in my follow-up post which is along a similar line to your last point, I think: "compulsory student-instructor social engagement is probably a bad idea but instructors who are actively in engaged in the Web 2.0 sphere could help students create their own PLE’s by modeling the benefit they get"

John Connell

I picked the 'creepy treehouse' discussion up before too (at: http://www.johnconnell.co.uk/blog/?p=803) - just a superbly apt phrase that gets one thinking about authenticity and about pedagogies that move us beyond mere 'use' of technology in education.

John Krutsch

My bad for not using exact lanauge. In the John Krutsch book of vocabulary a kid is anyone younger than me.

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