This one starts with Stuart Brown reading the Broadcast Strategy Review, and I remind him there is a website. It then goes on to to prove the adage that 'if man can describe it, Hirst can mash it.'
stuartbrown - reading the ou broadcast strategy review
mweller - @stuartbrown - don't you mean 'viewing' (ie the intranet site). Reading is so 1700s
lauradee - @mweller what if 'viewing' isn't your learning style? :) I'm all about reading... am getting some Paperchase "tattoos for librarians"
nogbad - @lauradeeDo "tattoos for librarians" say "Shhhhh!"?
lauradee - @mweller @nogbad they say things like I love books (instead of I love Mum) over pics of hearts, I'd show ya but their website isn't great
nogbad - @mweller @lauradee I'm sure @psychemedia will do something exciting with Yahoo pipes to show where most librarians have tattoos
psychemedia - @nogbad @lauradee oh if you insist...... ok?
nogbad - @psychemedia Awesome! We now know that librarians have tattoos on their shoulders :-)
lauradee - @psychemedia you are a Geek God
Feeling a bit dizzy from jumping from Twitter to blog to find my Twitter conversation in blog... ha ha! If Paperchase are monitoring social networks, can you send me some tattoos please because I didn't have time to pick them up at Euston and you don't sell them online or in your Milton Keynes store. Cheers.
Posted by: Laura | 12/05/2008 at 01:19 PM