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D'Arcy Norman

I've been having difficulty promoting blogging on campus as well. There seems to be some hesitation, involving things like "I don't have anything interesting to say" and "nobody would read me" - both are best answered with "so what? the blog is for you, not them"

I'll be giving a workshop at UCalgary on Wednesday to show faculty members some blogging and wiki tools. I'm going to avoid the institutional/company-blog philosophy, and promote them as tools for personal knowledge management and reputation building.


Thanks D'Arcy - that comment about it being for the individual, not the audience is spot on. You are absolutely right on avoiding the institutional philosophy - kiss of death for a blog I think. What I want to do is to get educators blogging about their subject areas and things that interest them. This has an indirect payback for the institution as it demonstrates a vibrant academic community, but you wouldn't want it to be the official mouthpiece of the organisation. It'll be interesting to hear how your session goes.

Beth Kanter

This is an excellent piece! I've been doing a workshop called Ten Steps to Web2.0 - and the most was for universities in US - the extension divisions.

I'm adding a link to my courseware.

You can find it here:


Thanks Beth, this is an excellent workshop. I have to run one next month at the Open University, and I'll definitely be using this as a resource. I too wanted to stress the importance of commenting on other people's blogs as a means of growing your network, so I was pleased to see how you'd covered this.

Mohammed Rhalmi

blogging has provided me the opportunity to organizee my thoughts and to keep writing about and understanding the issues related to my job.

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