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Ah yes: http://scienceoftheinvisible.blogspot.com/2007/10/how-not-to-be-videoblogger.html

Tony Searl

My expectation is to be awake, at 2am Sydney time to make the live session :-) Having enjoyed the book and recommended it to THOUSANDS, I'd like to tease out Greenfield's Network Weather further. Will digital views like his result in stronger buy in? I can stand around and get wet and not know why or bottle the snake oil stuff and make zillions. Or is it just people getting cheap drinks because they are on 4square and the know nothings can miss out? Is open, digital and networked convergence and abundance, exemplified by MOOCs, resulting in beige? Choice, Change and Goal Setting101 (imperitive) may become the new sociology101?

So much earnest reform drum banging gets tirng as change is slowed to systemic LCD. And that may well suit majority human nature if not heritage power unwilling to cede control. Could analogue learning have a switch off date? Not practical even if mandated or possible with vision?

How are value points discovered in MOOCs and as you ask is monetary free open actually valued? Could a Print Your Own DSC Graduate MOOC Certificate ever mean anything other than a badge signifying feel good warm fuzzies?

I guess from that ramble I see problems with investments of time when results are vague. Or is it enough that learning has personal value, not value to others?

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