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I go though alternating phases of optimism and pessimism about "progress" in higher education. I suspect Universities are mirroring societal changes more than the used to (the ivory tower is pretty much gone), which is a depressing thought. I need to join some other sort of (non-religious) priesthood. Maybe that's what this web 2.0 thing is really all about.

Dominik Lukeš

I must say I share the skepticism of the audience. 10 years is a relatively short time in the live of a federated institution such as the university system. There are too many preconceptions not just on the part of the universities and academics themselves but also students, parents and employers. But the changes could be quicker if some of the brand name players (Oxbridge, Harvard, etc.) would get ahead of the game. Also, the research assessment exercise and its equivalents would need to extricate themselves from their well-meaning delusion of value.

Also there are still some technical issues to be resolved. I suggested a solution here: http://researchity.net/2010/07/08/federated-academic-identity.


Adapting to a new environment is tough for organisations that have a sense of academic rigor on systems that inhibit revolutionary change. It will be interesting to whether the current political climate will actually facilitate new structures (private and smaller Universities) that are more adaptable, perhaps through a ruthless focus on perceived 'customer demand'?

I think you were robbed. The 10 years previous argument is very crafty but essentially an abuse of logic!

Mark Smithers

I agree the earlier commentators. Particularly AJ Cann as I too go through alternate bouts of pessimism and optimism about changes to higher education over the next ten years. At the moment I'm looking vainly for signs of change but I'm really not seeing anything. This particularly true in relation to the recognition of digital scholarship.

Incidentally I am about to start putting my Klout and PeerIndex scores on my CV but I expect it will be a completely meaningless gesture. I don't have a PhD you see.



cristina costa

it just reflects the slow pace of the institution and the structures and rules it is based on. It also reflects 'accommodation' and the need to perpetuate tradition. It is no less a disguised fight about preservation of prestige.... oh I could go on and on!
Change has never come easy and in this instance it is a case to say that Universities have still not received the postcard! We have witnessed a 'professionalization' of HE but I'm still waiting for its modernization. Those are two diff 'beasts'

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