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AJ Cann

So are the annotations searchable, i.e. indexed as text?


I don't think so AJ - like adding the ability to annotate other people's vids I think there is a whole layer of extra usability they need to add in.

Scott Leslie

Prompted by a tweet from Tony, I did the same with his video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALqZBrRcVNI). The annotation tool is fun if maybe slightly limited right now. Hopefully they will improve some aspects of it. But pretty easy to use nevertheless.

Martin Le Voi

Nice annotations.

Not sure if this is a criticism or not :) but never having heard of edupunk, I found your non-annotated video completely incomprehensible. However, the annotated version made everything clear, including what edupunk is itself. I guess the original works for those "in the know", the annotated one for ignoramus's like me. Educational indeed...



Hey, this video is a great example of YouTube annotations... and hysterical!


Hope you enjoy.



Adding annotations to other peoples videos is a BAD idea, and will never happen. Having them full-text searchable though? Yep, that will definitely happen.


Adding a layer of shared annotation is not a bad idea - you just want to avoid making them permanent ie actually embedded in the file. If you could turn them on and off (and maybe have different groups share different annotations) then it doesn't detract from the original and allows a more subtle form of commenting. I'll bet Youtube or competitor does it within 2 years


Time Out has created an interactive quiz using the annotations!


It's based around a comedy movies quiz. It's really fun!

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