(via Alan Levine) Phillie Casablanca issues some Twitter commandments, which are worth looking at. Some people have objected to the term 'commandments' - it's a stylistic device folks! He doesn't really mean them to be obeyed absolutely, it's just that it's meant to be a bit of fun and calling it 'Some practical suggestions on Twitter behaviour' doesn't allow for the same punch really.
Anyway, I particularly like:
1. Thou shalt not tweet more than 20 times a day. This has a detrimental effect on everyone else's ambient intimacy with their group.
3.Thou shalt not tweet more than 10 times in an hour*. That's what blogging is for.
9. Thou shalt type people's usernames correctly (e.g. @Casablanca); otherwise the 'replies' function doesn't work.
I'm not so keen on:
6. Thou shalt not forget that the question being asked is "What are you doing?".
I think this is the way in to Twitter, but its use has evolved beyond this. For instance, Ewan Macintosh was giving a presentation to some people at Oxford yesterday and put a call out on Twitter to a) say hello and b) give suggestions for use of Twitter in learning a foreign language. This was during his live presentation I gather. This was a very good use of Twitter, but isn't really answering the question 'What are you doing?'
I'd also add these two commandments:
11. Thou shalt not follow more than 1,000 people (unless thou art Scoble)
12. Thou shalt not use Twitter as a broadcast medium for your website or business - it's about conversation (yes that means you Guy Kawasaki)