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AJ Cann

Nice Martin, but you're veering towards deeper issues - the difference between teaching and learning. For years, teaching has been unfashionable and learning has been trendy. But the difference between education and the content industries is that by teaching, we add more value to content (yes, more value than journalists). Web 2.0 will force the balance back to teaching. Listen - you can hear the pendulum swinging!


You are spot on AJ - in the paper I am writing I go on to say why education is different from content industries, and what I'm proposing is one, among many, methods of trying to get the best of both worlds. I'll post more later.


“A natural means of structuring a learning experience”? That’s a teaser Martin, and a really knotty one too. My own gut feeling is that the learning experience will always be subject to (and shaped by) the conditions imposed by the environment in which it unfolds, regardless of the nature of that environment (digital / non-digital, structured / open, formal / informal...). Suppose you do manage to account for, counteract, maybe even remove major restraints. Is there really an inherently “natural” structure underneath? And if we accept that there is, is it equally “natural” for everyone, i.e. can it be reconciled with the need for personalisation? Echoes of Gibson and the affordances debate? Best considered over a pint.


I'm guilty Jeff - 'natural' is a bit provocative, as you say it will vary for people, and also for context and subject matter. Some subjects really do need a 3-4 year PhD investigation. The more general point was that it would be free to take whatever length and structure suited 'it' best, and not be constrained by the narrow structures we have put in place as a result of historical and economical legacy.


I'm trying to think of a suitable alternative as it's an idea I'd like to get a handle on too. Accommodating? Elastic? Unhampered? Love the whale shot by the way.

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