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AJ Cann

I feel the term friends is becoming increasingly false/untrustworthy. As you point out, our contacts fall into many different categories. Maybe "social" networking's not so social after all.
OTOH, if it weren't for Facebook, how would I know you are addicted to SpongeBob Squarepants, and got stuck in the M4 traffic jam? Does knowing that make me your "friend"?


You were one of the people I had in mind - being a FB friend makes you more of a friend I think, but these are obviously fuzzy categories. The overuse of the term friend points at the teen roots of some of these applications, and doesn't always feel right, but it's more than just 'contacts'.

Will Reader

Martin. You see that's what REAL friends are for! Defending ones reputation and integrity in the light of misinterpretation. Actually, I think the only misinterpretations I've had have been in headlines, but journalists don't write their own headlines do they?

Of Dunbar's 150 about 100 or so would be considered acquaintances, with the remaining 50 (on average, lots of variation) being called friends. (Within that 50 there are different levels of intimacy too, with about 5-ish being very close friends, etc.)

My suspicion is that SNs are good for acquaintanceships and perhaps close-ish friends (perhaps allowing one to boost the total social network size way beyond the 150 average) but not so good for forming intimate friends. For a variety of reasons there is something special about face-to-face contact that is important for intimacy, trust and intimacy.

That's not to say that SOME people might have close friends that they've never met, just that they are rather few (and it is an interesting question as to whether there are any personality variables that correlate with such freely given trust -- agreeableness perhaps?)


Will, yes I think the main misinterpretation was in the headlines, most of the actual articles were okay. But I still think they layered a level of (mis)interpretation over it - the online friends aren't real notion. Maybe I wouldn't lend them money, but then maybe I wouldn't discuss Korean horror films with my face to face friends, which is the truer test (neither of course).

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