I am not obsessed by my Technorati ranking (okay, maybe a little), but as I struggle to get my authority increased I was puzzled to see that this blog is listed twice. One I have claimed, but one unclaimed with a higher authority. It turns out this is a problem arising from how Typepad handles domain names. Sadly my authority is not the sum of these two. I can ask Technorati to combine them I think, but more simply I'll claim the later. In technorati now you have to create a blog post with some code in it. So here it is - I just couldn't bring myself to post nothing though: Technorati Profile
PS trying to increase authority is the story of my life - the other day I was lecturing my daughter on something and she smiled and said quite genuinely, 'dad, you're so funny.' And she's only five, what chance do I have when she's a teenager.