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First I heard of the Iceberg in OER was from that @daveowhite, who I think got it from some combination Joanna Wild, Helen Beethan and Marion Manton?



Many Aus K-12 teachers in my network know about, use & share OERs...awareness is happening in the context of "Connected Learning" which seems to be aligned with the philosophy of Open Education. http://connectedlearning.tv/sites/connectedlearning.tv/files/CL-Checklist-K12Educators.pdf
The University of Technology, Sydney is also moving towards "Connected Learning" model.
So we're somewhere on the iceberg.


Is it the open resources or the open ideas that "form a basis from which many other practices benefit". I keep getting this funny feeling that the focus on the reified 'resource' is holding us back.


Thanks for another interesting discussion point Martin.

I think there's a number of interesting arguments that can form from this piece. To pick up on one:
"Another approach may be to increase penetration of OERs into the secondary and tertiary levels"

I think this is important due to the very nature of the viral nature of Openness, but penetrating those secondary and tertiary levels relies on visibility and accessibility. Most academics know about YouTube; some will know iTunesU; and fewer Jorum (as an example). So the challenge is getting to academic staff. Almost to the point of justifying subject specific sites (like those Subject Centres I guess) which can be incredibly valuable and to some degree, a natural place of interest.
Anyway, just something that sprang to mind.



@ David - thanks, knew I'd seen the iceberg somewhere. I was joking by the way when I said I think I'm the first person to ever use an iceberg metaphor, in that it's the most over-used metaphor there is.

@Penny - thanks, that's interesting. I still think for a lot of teachers they don't want to care about the whole open education movement, and I don't blame them, they're busy. They just want good resources they know they can use without hassle and they can find easily.

@Dave - yeah you're probably right, but I think resources are the route in. Give a teacher an open textbook and they start to think "I can alter this". And then "I could share back my modified version" and then "I could create my own stuff", etc.

@Peter - yes, exactly. If policy switches to the secondary and tertiary levels then it might do something like create a global OER brand to rival TED, in order to get uptake here.

Marion Manton

Martin - your iceberg is much more structured than ours :-)

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