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I think the recently proposed Hypothes.is could be made into infrastructure that could support open scholarship in multiple ways. I tried to outline some of them in this post focusing on peer review: http://researchity.net/2011/11/01/peer-review-should-be-more-like-hypothes-is-than-hypothes-is-should-be-like-peer-review.

The problem is (as I keep saying) that there are many more exchanges going on in higher ed than just students paying money for access to knowledge and universities paying academics to facilitate that access for their clients. There are massive infrastructures of teacher and student qualifications (trust networks) that need to experience the same kind of revolution that the content side of things has. I tried to think about some alternatives here: http://researchity.net/2011/04/28/towards-a-system-of-uncredentials-for-uneducation but recently I've impressed by the Mozilla badges project.


Or the OER university model which is designed for sustainability from its inception.

No new money required by OERu partners and recurrent cost is recouped on a free for service model.

See: http://wikieducator.org/images/7/7d/OERu.pdf

and recent meeting of the 13 founding anchor partners comprising colleges, universities and polytechnics who will be able to accredit OER learning in Africa, Asia, Oceania and North America.

See: http://wikieducator.org/OER_university/2011.11_OERu_Meeting_summary

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