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Working on my digital RSVP!

Scott Leslie

Nice to see you doing a virtual launch too, for lots of reasons. Here's another that happened earlier this week - http://transitionculture.org/2011/10/13/a-tale-of-two-book-launches-and-announcing-today%E2%80%99s-virtual-twitter-one/ - wonder if there is anything to be learned from it?

Doug Clow

My competition submission:

A digital scholar called Mart
Put his book on the web from the start.
Scholarly interest grew,
So citations did too,
And his REF score went right off the chart!

(My first go at the last line was "And his royalties went off the chart" but that is perhaps too much wishful thinking.)

Could you do an actual real world book launch? I'm thinking a copy of the book on a tiny USB stick taped to an Estes model rocket. Would make a great YouTube video.

Looking forward to it!

rc helicopter

Swich to wordpress, make your blogger nicer. -My 2 cents

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