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Scott Leslie

You're right, it does bear a certain resemblance to the Sex Pistols, though I'm thinking of a different reference - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Rock_%27n%27_Roll_Swindle At least it's a nice place for a deductible junket. Enjoy!

George Siemens

@Martin - yes, bermuda shorts are just fine in Banff in Feb :).

@Scott - interesting reference - care to detail a bit more?

Scott Leslie

@george not really, I expect it speaks for itself. Wish you luck in pursuing this Next Greatest Thing. Maybe next year's can include the words "Mobile" "Emergent" and "Open" to broaden its hipness even further. Yours in snark, Scott

George Siemens

Scott, You're kind of yipping at the edges - and we've had similar exchanges a few times where you offer a snark comment and then don't engage to explore in greater detail. My view: contribute/create or effectively critique. Simply complaining that a concept or idea is attempting to be "next greatest thing" and trying to be "hip" doesn't help much. Obviously you have a right to randomly vent. I'm just not sure what you gain if you don't back up glib statements. You don't like the concept learning analytics? No problem - tear it apart. Why is it a bad idea? What is wrong with it? Show others why it sucks. Provide something that can be discussed or debated.


Mr Leslie, I sometimes suspect there is an element of mischieviesnous in your soul. Which is, of course, why I love it so.


BTW if you two want to air your canadian laundry don't use my blog ;)
More seriously, I have sympathies both sides - I'm not sure if LA is just the next label, or something significant. It sounds sexy and modern so is subject to some of the accusations of the former, but hey, if we as academics don't think there's any value pedagogically in all the data available then it'll be a service Blackboard sell to us. So my feeling is this is a fledgling area we could direct, and so I'm keen to learn more. Fair enough?

Scott Leslie

George, that's right, yip yip. I regret posting this because I have NO energy to engage on it, and really, really, really have been trying very hard not to make any comments since I first saw this announced early in 2010. I mean REALLY hard, because that comment above doesn't even start to capture the amount of bullshit this smells like to me. But I am sure it will be a smashing success, a new field will have been invented, and my suspicions that there is no 'there there' even more unfounded. History will surely side with you George, of that I have little doubt.

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