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Yes, the two classic business models - pile em high, knock em out cheap; or offer something with a little bit more value, including after-sales service perhaps. But there's little between iTunes/iBooks and Kindle in this respect (and in net marketing and sales more broadly). Both offer more or less the same.

So, let's hope WHSmith make some impact. Interesting that their app is less polished than either Kindle or iBooks, but it's not at the tipping-point that makes it unusable. I've read one or two complaints of crashing but I have had no problems. The number one complaint for the slick Kindle or iBooks I've read online is the pricing.

Many of the books are noticeably cheaper on WHSMith. 'Wolf Hall' is only about 4 quid there; definitely one for an impulse buy.

Carl Morris

Loads of books are already on FilesTube for free. Or so I've heard.

John Connell

Like you, Martin, the Kindle app is probably my favourite app on the iPad - for me it's for the very simple reason that iBooks has a simply dreadful choice of books available. I looked back today, having read your post, to see if things have gotten any better in the couple of months since I last tried to use it. Didn't look any better to me. I searched for 4 or 5 books, none of them particularly unusual, and could get not one of them!

Kindle isn't perfect yet either, but it's only rarely that I can't get the e-book I want on Amazon.

For the e-book market generally, I'm less convinced of the need for a uniform price, but I do think the market needs to settle on a, fairly narrow, price range within which e-books should be priced, or at least an agreed maximum price.

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