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James Clay

You could buy decent microphones and headsets and send them to presenters. My decent is someone else's too expensive!

Another idea that comes to mind is where does it say at an online conference that the presenters have to be remote and online?

You could bring the presenters in and thus ensure higher quality video and audio. It would also allow for a greater variety of formats such as discussions and interviews.

Don't forget the power of text based discussion too.




Hi James, yes exactly - we should have given a headset to all speakers, they're not expensive but even this simple bit of kit makes a big difference. I'll definitely do that next time.
Re bringing presenters together, I think it is a possibility and I might do some of that, so we know we can give people a good set up. On the other hand though part of the appeal is that you can get people to talk without overly disrupting them, so for instance Tony H didn't have to come to MK to talk but could do it from home. I'd be reluctant to lose that flexibility as it's one of the benefits of online, but we could offer an expanded conferene HQ I think.
The text window was important and lots of people commented how much they liked having that channel, and we tried to combine it with asynchronous discussion in Cloudworks, so yes I agree text is great for lots of stuff, but I think it helps to have an event in the middle also. I'd like to work more on structuring pre and post discussion next time.
Thanks for your comments


Thanks Martin,

Most useful. We are trying to organize a one day conference/webinar event at Salford using Elluminate in November with both remote and campus-based speakers. Will definitely feedback all your top tips back to the project team.

Pete Whitton

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