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I would argue that big business content production has embraced unpredictability for the bulk of the 20th century at least, if not more.

Publishers are able to put out hundreds of thousands of books that fail because they make enormous amounts of money off of a few handful every year. The same goes for movie studios and record labels. These weren't low cost operations, but by putting out an enormous amount of stuff they were able to take advantage of unpredictability in the manner you describe.

Of course, it's certainly easier to do that if you're producing a ton of low-cost content!

Congratulations on being Boing Boing'd!


That's a good point Adam, I hadn't really thought of their model in that way. But even so, they generally do market research, have an intended audience, etc. Of course, traffic/bums on seats is just one element of unpredictability, far more interesting is unpredictable use (like the Downfall meme).

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