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Matt Jukes

well if you don't get a meetup going in Cardiff I'm sure we could get something set up under the Bathcamp banner :) Only a shop hop from Cardiff - nothing for a Canadian!

Joel Greenberg

I still speak Canadian if that is any help.


You are very lucky to have Nessman in the house, what a great month it will be. Just don't let him talk you into any of that meditation stuff, it is culty!


@Matt - yes, great idea, we should try and set something up even if it isn't the weekend he is in Cardiff

@Joel - does that mainly involve talking in ice hockey statistics?

@Jim - oh no, I'd forgotten that - he is staying with us for a weekend, am I going to be woken by the sound of 'ommmmm' at 6am??


There is a distinct possibility, I'd say you can prepare to battle that with some loud 80s new wave, anything from The Cars "Candy-O" should do the trick.


Jim, I know he has a strong aversion to The Smiths, so any of that mantra stuff and I'll blast him with 'Heaven knows I'm miserable now'. Should see him off.

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