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Mark Smithers

I'm interested in OU's move to GA not so much about the apps themselves but the feeling that the OU should offer them as an institution. Are we not at a point where students can control and manage their own spaces and make their own choices about what email address to have and whether to use MS Live or Google Apps or Zoho as an office tool?

Maybe the OU student body is different but it is not just the OU making this decision.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that we should de-institutionalise as many systems as possible (including a lot of edtech) and put a lot more effort into creating powerful and usable systems for managing assessment. A process that has had precious little investment by universities but represents a key component of the learning process and a fundamental part of every frontline academic's life.

Nice song. BTW.


Interesting to see if OU will move to a VLE system installable from the Google Apps Marketplace.

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