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I adore this British tradition of big strategic reports written by lord this and lord that. Perhaps if they comissioned the thinkers and the visionaries (eg leadbeater whom you mentioned, shirkey and others) to do this work then the results would have been different.


@anoush - ah, but then they might get an answer they don't want


"rather like suggesting an investment in eco-friendly cars while listening to the petro-chemical companies"

Except that unlike right holder organisations, the Petrochems have seen the future and are rapidly reorganising their business models. Someone at Exxon once said to me - 'We can't gain by stopping the green car, we can only gain by profiting from it.'


@Michael - yes that's probably true, and you know you're in trouble when the petrochems are being perceived as more keen to change than you...

Nicole Hansen

It's funny because I read the exact opposite into that part of the report.

The overall theme was a bit ominous I agree, but I think your conclusion actually agrees with what was stated in the report in this line:

"...when there is very widespread behaviour and social acceptability of such behaviour that is at odds with the rules, then the rules, the business models that the rules have underpinned and the behaviour itself may all need to change."

In other words, they are recognizing that the public does not agree with or respect copyright law as it is and suggest that perhaps the laws need to be changed to deal with that. I actually felt this was the most significant point (admission) in the entire report.


@Nicole - there is a lot of 'on one hand, this, but we also recognise that' in the report. Shortly after the piece you quote it says "in the rapidly changing digital world is a framework that is effective and enforceable, both nationally and across borders." Which says to me they want new rules to clamp down as well as promoting innovation. It just doesn't seem clear enough. But I take what you're saying, maybe I did paint it as a bit negative.


Right on. 'The web is a leading-edge replacement for Ceefax.' Duh.

Harriet Wakelam

I agree with you that this is cowardly - even more so, I believe that the successful digital economies will be those brave enough to be truly innovative (in the true sense of the word) in their approach to copyright.

We need some form of recompense for intellectual property, but at the moment, we are looking within the current model, not outside. It is the same issue facing us in Australia with our filtering debate.


Except of course that it has taken the petro- related industries 25-30 years to reach that point (whokilledtheelectriccar.com anyone?) and in the digital domain there isn't that kind of timescale to play with...

... on everything else, it's going to require radical visions and re-visions if Digital Britain will ever come to pass. And there will be plenty of growing pains along the way. See the Daily Mail headlines about social networking this past week for just a small slice of what we (them/us) are up against.

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