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AJ Cann

So to protect our interests, should we obfuscate by throwing lots of additional searches for things we're not really interested in? Tottenham Hotspur, caravans, Spongebob Squarepants?


I did wonder about that - you'd probably need multiple search identities, which might get confusing. Even worse if other family members use your computer - mine would also be mixed up with 'sponsor a pony', Ben 10, and Australian holidays.


Aren't the search results that the expert actually follows up and bookmarks more powerful? Every academic should be publishing the RSS feeds for their social bookmarks, classified by key terms. The user can choose to filter these according to the social rating of the URL and aggregate results from a group of experts according to their reputation in their field and their online expertise in finding valuable sources.

Paul Lefrere

It's reasonable to assume that many patents have been applied for on this. Microsoft Research have published some of their early work on leveraging the search trails of others (See eg http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1377490)

Scott Leslie

Not sure this is exactly what you are looking for, but a while back I played with a front end to Google that built a tag cloud of all the search terms that went through it. It was inspired by the http://www.gnosh.org/ site; the idea being that for a department or workteam, it was useful to get the kind of "ambient" knowledge of what your co-workers were looking for, without any real additional knowledge.

Scott Leslie

...that last line should read "without any real additional *effort*." Doh!

Tony Hirst

"but a while back I played with a front end to Google that built a tag cloud of all the search terms that went through it."

I keep thinking that intranet sites should expose this sort of thing for searches carried out on them?

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