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AJ Cann

Planning for Contraction, Timothy Burke: http://insidehighered.com/views/2008/09/29/burke

Chris D

I remember reading somewhere that the economy is one of the drivers that pushes the continual development of integrated circuits (but I might be wrong - I'm no economist!) Building a new generation ICs requires a huge investment in fabrication plants. A slowing rate of development may have knock on effects which could influence server operating and purchase costs and availability of ever more cheaper hardware (to facilitate access to learning communities and course materials). During the last downturn I remember successful companies saying that they had to innovate and economise. The big questions are, of course: how and where?

Nicole Hansen

I think most Web 2.0 companies were already destined to failure whether the economy had reached a downturn or not, because most of them are already giving away the cow or have a half-baked idea that no one would pay anything for to begin with. At least in the dotcom era making money was at the core of the businesses. While Web 2.0 entrepreneurs may have the same intentions, I see very few sites that seem to have any clue how they will actually do that. Look at Facebook, they don't seem to have any clue how they can make money besides advertising.

Driver Education


Online Internet schools provide driver education to anyone who has access to the Internet and prefers to study at their own pace. Students learn via online lessons, quizzes and exams. Thanks for sharing.


Driver Education


Online Internet schools provide driver education to anyone who has access to the Internet and prefers to study at their own pace. Students learn via online lessons, quizzes and exams. Thanks for sharing.


newport driving school

Excellent article for my purposes.Thanks for the excellent info.Can any one tell me what the likelihood of teacher layoffs happening from all the credit crunching going on?

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