I love tag clouds - I quite often type notes in a meeting and then pass them through a tag cloud generator and show them back to people. 'This is what we've been talking about apparently'.
I'm never entirely sure whether they offer some profound insight or are just a fun thing to do. So I was intrigued when I saw (via D'Arcy) that John Krutsch and Jared Stein had developed a clouder for Twitter. Simply enter your twitter name and it generates a tag cloud of the terms.
Here is mine: http://www.tweetclouds.com/user_pages/mweller.html
What does it tell you? Well that Tony is probably the person I do most replies to, that 'meeting' and 'watching' are two of my most common words, so I am usually either in a meeting or watching a film. That is largely true.
Like most tag clouds, it could probably do with some more filtering e.g. run and running are separate tags, so the prominence of the topic isn't accurately reflected. And if I was being really fussy, it would be nice to link to the tweets when you clicked on a word (although it does very usefully show you how many instances of that word were used currently). But it's another Twitter tool, and makes more sense to me than TwitterBlocks, which is pretty, but I don't know what it means.