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AJ Cann

Imposing formal systems? How would an institution do that on Facebook? If a student wants to join a particular network (Coca Cola, University of Bumsonseats), that's up to them. How would institutions impose on students vioa Facebook?


plus people join the OU Facebook network by giving an @open.ac.uk email, or they opt to join the OU group. If they don't want to associate with their uni online they don't need to.


AJ, perhaps I should have said processes - imagine some very keen academic says 'I'm going to use FB as my VLE' - they then force students to be part of it and invade their space because that is the sole means through which they are engaging with the students. I can see how students would resent this intrusion on their space.

AJ Cann

Lots of universities impose formal processes on FB (discipinary) already. But FB as a VLE is an interesting one. Not a very good VLE surely?

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