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AJ Cann

So the wisdom of crowds can leverage PLEs - except then they're not really P any more...


I wasn't really thinking PLEs (this time), just that if we want to meet the long tail needs in education, then the more you go into it, the more meaningful the connections you make are. But, while we're on PLEs - they are still quite P - in that you would determine your content and network of people, the tools would help you do this.


seems like you can help us with something we're thinking about on the course profiles app:

"On the course recommendation side, the users have now registered details of over 7,000 courses, although there are 2,613 OU courses in the database (not including OpenLearn and qualifications). What sort of number do you think we would have to reach to be able to make a content recommendation engine?" ?


Stuart - I have no idea what number you'd need. Have to just see if we start getting meaningful connections. The thing is there could be a lot of connections within thos courses, so for X courses there might be X squared connections.
On a simpler note - we could have a 'recommend a resource' widget, rather like there is the 'dedicate a song' widget.


Thanks Martin.

Re resource widget. We are doing just that. the OU books app is merging into an OU resources app which will include books, but also allow students to recommend a website / other resource associated with particular courses

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