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AJ Cann

Twitter doesn't let me comment there.


Yes, Atonement it was. What a film.

AJ Cann

Told you so, although much of the complexity of the book is lost. Read the book too (and read Saturday)!


Don't know if you're already aware of the twitter-related tools mentioned in this post at Library Clips - http://libraryclips.blogsome.com/2007/09/29/roundup-twitter-digest-outtwit-twiddeo-twitbacker-twitternotes/
May be useful.

I saw Atonement too the other week - best film I've seen in ages!


yes, I'm a big McEwan fan, I just wasn't sure of seeing it after having witnessed the debacle of Enduring Love. I thought a lot of the complexity did transfer in Atonement - I'd go as far to say as it's the best literary adaptation in recent years. Enjoyed Saturday too - making a film of that aren't they? That will be hard to adapt

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