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Guy Pursey

Just a thought but to add to your list of constraints, there is also an advantage that being online provides which traditional journalistic media on paper cannot: ease of referencing.

Obviously, referencing is crucial in academic papers and less so in journalistic writing. However, there is a potential, due to the availability of space and the possibilities of format that you mentioned, for more blurring of boundaries between journalistic content and academic material. Footnotes can be hyperlinked to references which themselves can be hyperlinked to the cited paper/blog online or even to the Amazon page for the book. You've done it yourself with the link to the New York Times website at the beginning of your post.

This can be extended to words within the blog or online article itself. Whereas in a newspaper or magazine a specialist or technical term might require a explanation by way of digression for the non-specialist reader, hyperlinking enables the reader to find the definition elsewhere, making the article a smoother read for those who have the expertise. This happens to some extent already (the Guardian blog postings are first things that spring to mind). So, I guess this adds to your point that writing might "come from the expert themselves"; it might also go straight to the experts themselves and yet without alienating the hyperlink-competent but non-expert reader/user. Of course, there's a danger that it could all get recursive after a few generations of blog postings and hyperlinks.

Anyway, these are just a few thoughts I had while reading your post.


Hi Guy
yes, you're absolutely right and I should have added this. The boundaries of the article are blurred by hyperlinking/referencing so it becomes a surface to deeper content.
Thanks for the comment.

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