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Cool stuff Martin! I haven't found a way of making the slides bigger though and my aging eyesight couldn't cope with some of the smaller stuff. I'm writing some stuff for the Sussex Learning Network and I'll be linking to this.


Thanks Nigel - if you go to the original on slideshare http://www.slideshare.net/mweller/th-ou-shalt-blog you can select Full and have the full screen display. Sadly it does not make my voice 'full'.

AJ Cann

We want a videoblog!

Sheila MacNeill

Hi Martin

As a reluctant blogger I found this presentation really useful and I've shared it with the rest of my CETIS colleagues - guess I really should blog about it tho' shouldn't I:-)

Enjoying your blog a lot.




My first experience of a slidecast - what a fascinating compromise! Uploaded presentation slides are rarely all that useful, in my opinion, to anyone who wasn't there, yet a full webcast is tiring on the eyes, rarely allows the content of slides to be seen & not everyone is comfortable with being video-recorded. The fullscreen version (thanks for asking, Nigel) with voice-over steers a neat path between all these pitfalls. I like it :-)


Hi Sheila, thanks for the comments, glad you liked it. And yes, if you think you should be blogging it, then you should be blogging it!
Lynne - yes, it is a nice compromise. I put it down to glanceability. I don't watch many videos as you can't skim them well and they require full focus, whereas I think you can have a slidecast going and be doing other things as well. I'll have to try doing a few more.
AJ - no chance!

John N

Martin -- nice experiment. Well done. You need a better audio-recording set-up though. I use a Zoom H4 (see http://memex.naughtons.org/archives/2007/06/01/4096) but you can get a stereo mike for recent iPods which also does a pretty good job.


I really like the idea of combining audio into online presentation... but my main concerns are to do with quality and time. Whenever I attempt any recording using home equipment it ends up sounding like I'm talking into the toilet and to create anything of any quality takes a good deal longer than the finished result. Did it take long to knock this together? The end result is sooooo much more engaging than the typical silent slideshows which 99% of the time veer towards the 'death-by-Powerpoint'-esque.


Hi Sarah,
this was done just using my inbuilt microphone (so you can hear my dog creaking around in her basket in the background). As John says, it would be improved by using a proper microphone, which I'll try next time.
It didn't take long (if you discount the time to create the Powerpoint in the first place). It took me a while to get the hang of how the synching works in Slideshare, so I spent half an hour getting used to it. Then it was a simple record through. The other thing that took time was to host my mp3 file - I had to reactivate an old Switchpod account.

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