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Nah, not a man thing! Have to admit I do love a good list... but actually tools like this (and Google Docs) do make me wonder whether wikis will ever really find their place for every day use. They're a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut when all you want is one simple collaborative element which these more niche type apps seem to offer. Bit debatable as to whether massive ol' Google really offers a niche product in the form of Google Docs, but they're a lot more user-friendly way of collaboratively producing a document than working on a wiki - and the listphile site seems to fall into that 'more user-friendly' category too.

A waffly way of saying - bring on the niche! Just got to work out how to bring all these niches together properly into one user-defined web portal... or something... (© ill-formed ideas 'r' us)


My reaction is almost the reverse of Sarah's - I fired up the comment box to ask why learners would need this separate tool when they could use a standard wiki... If a VLE had an integrated wiki, pages could be created for each of the topics you suggest, Martin, & people wouldn't need to go anywhere else.
I also have an old-fashioned distaste for initiatives that are so upfront about their commercial motivation - all that 'customer'/'product' stuff in the Listphile comments. Why do I feel that they might be just as committed to toothpaste or trust funds if they'd tripped over a niche there rather than in education?


Oops, I confused Listphile with Teach the People. Same point about commercialism, though!

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