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John Connell

What I like about the sequence you describe, Martin, is the informality of it all. But what makes it a learning experience is the intent that each of the protagonists (you, me, the OU student) bring to our use of the various media mentioned. I wonder whether an environment with a specific emphasis on learning would be very much different from the mix of components we already use? Or would it simply be the expected intent behind the use made of the environment that would make it a 'learning' environment.

You'll be pleased to know I've been reading your own book - Virtual Learning Environments - and realising how helpful it would have been to me 3 or 4 years ago when I was wrestling with the spec for SSDN!

Overall, though, there is still one aspect of the whole Web 2.0/social networking field (growing all the time, of course) that slightly bothers me, and that is the willingness of many of its proponents to forego the underlying power that can be brought to a learning environment by the implementation of an 'enterprise-level' identity management core. I think I'll try to elaborate on this in a post.


Yes John, I think the informality is at the heart of it. That it's both its strength, in that it perhaps suits the medium better, and its weakness, in that it is still debatable that you can get the prolonged, in-depth engagement needed.
Thanks for reading the book - like all things there are some bits of it I like better than others already.
I'd like to see your thoughts on your last point. Do you mean the sort of benefits that can be gained from tracking activity across different tools, which is lost in a dumb integration? Or something else?

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