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Thanks fora good blog! I have just started working at a continuing education school in Canada and your Open University institution is a wonderful way for me to learn a bit more about online education. However, the reason I happened upon your blog was because of Cliff Richard -- I had to jump in and defend both Cliff and your child'd musical taste. As a fellow parent of a 5 year old AND someone who loves Cliff's voice(knowingly with a devotion beyond all rational explanation) I would consider it a total blessing if my son would insist on listening to Cliff. Misery is not being able to turn off the Kidstuff station on Sirius radio. Have you heard SpongeBob sing? If so, you'd appreciate Cliff in the morning. If they're like this at five, I have no idea what we're going to do at 15!

On a more serious note, your point about the ubiquity of i-tunes and the role of playlists in the future of nostalgia is a very interesting one. I'm going to be thinking of it as I consider how to preserve my son's childhood for posterity.
Best regards from Canada.

AJ Cann

Yeah, my kids had good playlists until a year or so ago, then they discovered rap. The horror, the horror. But there may be some good news on the music front, we7:

Tony Hirst

Singles are not necessarily the only way forward: here's a new take on the EP: http://www.currybet.net/cbet_blog/2007/04/the_rhino_hifives_reinvent_the.php

Clunkety, clunkety, clunkety, clunk...
This any good? http://lifehacker.com/software/apple/share-itunes-playlists-with-the-world-213719.php

Ben Lee

I must say I love your daughter's selections... My personal favorite Cliff Richard song would have to be 'Living Doll,' though.


I must admit I found myself humming 'Carrie' the other day...

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