The OpenLearn project was launched internally today - the official launch is October 25th. It looks very impressive, particularly when you know the problems of taking legacy material and getting it in suitable chunks and up online. I also think they've done some good things with the tools in the labspace area (I like the non-client based messenger particularly - I always wanted a tool like this where I could join in an informal real-time chat around a piece of content).
I was part of the team that worked on the bid last year to the Hewlett Foundation to get the project. In January I had a choice - either go full time on the project, or write my VLE book. I'm not particularly good at multitasking so couldn't do both. I felt that the VLE book wouldn't really wait - like many educational technology books, it feels as though it's obsolescing as you type. So my literary pretensions won out and I opted to spend four months writing the book. But sitting there today I would have to admit to a mild sense of regret at not being part of such an exciting project. One of those 'I need a parallel life' moments, when both routes are pretty good. Still, having said that, it probably wouldn't have been so successful if I'd been on board...