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Simon Rae

Your last paragraph raises the issue of reward. I've always thought that the runner who does a PB in the final is often more worthy of a medal than the person who runs a tactical race well within their capabilities and wins. Similarly with education - what is it that we should be rewarding? Personal bests and 'workers' or those who haven't really pushed themselves?

PBs are good for the learner/athlete but don't always cut it in the medal ceremony/job interview.

Phil Greaney

Excellent stuff, congrats. 2011 was a big year for me exercise-wise (which doesn't necessarily mean a comparatively big year for anyone else). For me, the stats were important and I found it encouraging to share some of my achievements, such as they were, as well as record them. As I've said before here, I find motivation by doing them and *then* sharing them. I use Garmin's Connect and find it really easy to use and useful.

As for rewards, I read on the 'About.com' guide to running that one shouldn't reward oneself with food. It kind of takes all the fun out of it...

That video is great, too. I've done an hour today. I'm having tomorrow off.

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