I'm a (not very good) runner, and one of the discussions that often comes up this time of year is whether you will go for a run on Christmas day. The responses tend to fall into 5 categories:
- Of course, it's just another day and I've got to stick to my training schedule.
- It's great to get some exercise in before all that indulgence.
- No, it's kind of showing off, declaring 'look how committed I am, I run on Christmas day'
- Yes, I like to show off and declare 'look how committed I am, I run on Christmas day'
- I'd like to but I'm too hung over from Christmas Eve
If we replace running with twittering (or Facebooking or blogging if you prefer), then we have an ed tech equivalent. I wonder who will be up on Christmas day posting tweets such as 'opening a bad jumper from my parents' or 'eating a fifth mince pie'. I'm declaring now that I'm out - no tweets from me on Christmas day.
The Christmas Twitter Game - I'm compiling a secret list of people who I think will twitter on the day itself, and come boxing day I'm going to score my predictive powers. Hey it beats watching the Wizard of Oz on TV again.