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Thanks Martin for this interesting post. You might take a look at my article "How revolutionary are MOOCs and their spin-offs? "


Kind regards,


"and 10 years from now people will be writing papers that cite Stanford as the initiator of open courses."

I was interviewed recently by a journalist who claimed just that.


Good summary of this transition period, clear, concise and to the point. I'm sharing with many colleague-skeptics whom I suspect of taking their opinions from highered and other media without questioning or examining them...hoping for open discussion among educators on both sides


@Markus - thanks for the link, good post. You make a good point re 'serious learning'. Learning does often have to be uncomfortable - for example we often find that the element students say they want to do the least (it used to be summer schools) ends up being the one they say they valued the most. In an open course the level of commitment is less in some ways, so it is easier to bail out when it gets uncomfortable. Financial commitment is actually a strong motivating factor to complete a course. Whether this just means we've been getting away with boring courses because people have paid for them or not is up for grabs I guess :)
@David - ah, it's started already. George who?
@Vanessa - thanks, I agree it's important to try and avoid either extreme eg dismissing them as unimportant or the "OMG, this is the future!" response.


I'm concerned about the implications for the academic workforced. Surely the expansion of MOOCs, once degrees are offered, will result in fewer academic jobs?

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