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Sarah Horrigan

Really sad news. Robin influenced me hugely - not just through her writing / courses but because she gave me the feedback on my H807 ECA which helped give me the confidence I needed to change my career. I found her so approachable and I really valued the small amount of contact I had with her.

Very sad.


Robin is a great loss to the e-learning community and to many of us as individuals. In particular I am very grateful to her for her patience when we collaborated on the JANUS project at the OU in the 1990s: she succeeded in getting at least the basics of evaluation into my techno-managerial head - I trust that some has lasted to this day. I also celebrate the way she kindly but relentlessly propelled me towards research outputs not just EU deliverables.

Oleg Liber

Very sad to hear of this - Robin was hugely important in reminding the online learning world that learning requires conversation, not just information passing. She influenced many people that followed her, and was always very kind in supporting others' efforts.

Janet Macdonald

Yes, I miss her! She was my PhD co-supervisor-at-a-distance, together with Nick Heap, and I remember how much I depended on monthly phone meetings from them, in what was otherwise a rather lonely three years. She taught me a lot, including how to write, and what to leave out, but perhaps most importantly the value of synchronous contact - and a bit of humanity - for sustaining distance students..

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